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About Us


Founded on February 13, 2021, the Bangladeshi AAOIFI Fellows Forum (BAFF) stands as a dynamic platform dedicated to fostering knowledge sharing among AAOIFI Fellows in Bangladesh. Comprising industry practitioners, Shari’ah scholars, academics, regulators, standard setters, and other key stakeholders in the Islamic finance sector, BAFF aims to build a vibrant community.

At its core, BAFF is committed to the development of knowledge, facilitating the exchange of diverse perspectives, and fostering camaraderie among its members. The collective goal is to contribute to the establishment of a robust Shari’ah-compliant financial system in Bangladesh. Functioning as a not-for-profit and non-political association, BAFF is seeking registration in accordance with the country’s regulations.

Currently boasting a membership of about 450 individuals, BAFF proudly represents a substantial portion of the over 600 Bangladeshi AAOIFI Fellows. As a unified community of Islamic finance professionals, BAFF aspires to play a pivotal role in shaping the sector’s landscape by advocating for and implementing best practices, policies, and regulations that align with Shariah principles and contribute to the overall growth of Islamic finance in the country.


To be the cornerstone of a thriving Islamic finance community, fostering knowledge, collaboration, & ethical standards for socio-economic development in Bangladesh & beyond.


To lead the advancement of Islamic finance in Bangladesh, envisioning a global benchmark for excellence.


BAFF is to victor the principles of Shari’ah-compliant finance, serving as a dynamic platform for AAOIFI Fellows in Bangladesh.

Organizational Structure


Dr. Muhammad Amir Hossain, CSAA


Mawlana Shah Mohammad Wali Ullah, CSAA


Mufti Dr. Yousuf Sultan, CSAA



Dr. Md. Mahabbat Hossain, CIPA, CSAA


Associate Professor,
Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management &
Principal Coordinator, IBFC

Dr. Md. Mahabbat Hossain CIPA, CSAA is an accomplished Islamic Finance Professional, serves as an Associate Professor at the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). His expertise extends beyond academia to encompass several pivotal roles in the applied field of Islamic finance. Dr. Hossain is an Academic Advisor of the Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB) and an active Member of various Working Groups within the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). His support also extends to Shariah Supervisory Committees, where he holds the position of SSC Member for SBAC Bank PLC, and Meghan Bank PLC. He was member of SSC of IFIC Bank PLC.

He further contributes as a Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) Member for BEXIMCO Green Sukuk al Istisna’a and BBML (PRAN-RFL) Sukuk. His dedication to ensuring compliance and ethical practices in finance is evident through his membership in the SSB of IDLC Asset Management Shariah Fund, and IDLC Islamic Finance Window.

Dr. Hossain's commitment to excellence is underscored by his association with the Institute of Internal Auditor (IIA) and IIA Bangladesh. He also takes on roles as an Editorial Associate of Bank Parikrama (Journal of Banking and Finance of BIBM) and an Editorial Board Member of ABC Journals. His contributions extend to his role on the Executive Committee of the Asian Business Consortium (Research House) and his Ordinary Membership in the Bangladesh Society for Training and Development (BSTD). As a testament to his dedication to the field, he holds a life membership with the Bangladesh Accounting Association (BAA).

Dr. Hossain's passion for knowledge sharing and collaboration is evident through his founding of the Bangladeshi AAOIFI Fellows Forum, abbreviated as BAFF, which serves as a Knowledge Sharing Forum for Bangladeshi Islamic Finance Professionals. His extensive educational background includes a PhD in Accounting and Information Systems from the Institute of Business Administration at Rajshahi University. He obtained his BBA and MBA in Accounting from the same esteemed institution. Furthering his expertise, Dr. Hossain completed a Diploma in Islamic Banking from the Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance in London, UK. He holds the distinguished titles of Certified Islamic Professional Accountant (CIPA) and Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) Fellow, awarded by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

With a prolific research and publication record that exceeds 75 articles in various national and international journals, Dr. Hossain demonstrates his commitment to advancing the field of banking and finance. His impressive career spans over 17 years, encompassing teaching, training, consultancy, and research in this dynamic sector.

Recognizing his leadership and dedication to promoting best practices in Islamic banking and finance in Bangladesh, Dr. Hossain was honored with the "BAFF Award 2023." This award acknowledges his exceptional contributions to the industry, solidifying his status as a trailblazer in the field.


Mohammad Anwar Hossan CSAA


Kamal Hossain FCA, CSAA, CIPA


Executive Vice President &
Head of Internal Control and Compliance Dept.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank PLC

Secretary General

AKM Mizanur Rahman, CSAA, CIPA


Associate Professor, BIBM & Principal Coordinator, IBFC


Md. Atiqur Rahman Khan Khadem, CERM, CSAA


Vice President, Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC
Full Organizational Structure

Scope of Activities

Promoting International Best Practices

BAFF endeavors to introduce and promote international best practices within the Islamic finance landscape of Bangladesh. By drawing upon global standards, the forum seeks to enhance the quality and efficacy of financial operations.

Identifying Implementation Challenges

BAFF is committed to identifying challenges in implementing international best practices within the local context. Through comprehensive assessments, the forum aims to provide valuable recommendations to pertinent stakeholders, facilitating smoother integration and adoption of these practices.

Organizing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs

Recognizing the dynamic nature of the Islamic finance field, BAFF plays a pivotal role in organizing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs. These include discussion session on emerging issues, training & workshop, public hearing and roundtable discussion, conference. These initiatives are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals, ensuring they stay abreast of industry developments and emerging trends.

Building a Strong Islamic Finance Community

Beyond individual development, BAFF aspires to cultivate a robust Islamic finance community in Bangladesh. Through networking opportunities, collaborative initiatives, and shared knowledge, BAFF aims to foster a sense of unity and cooperation among professionals in the Islamic finance sector, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the industry.

Need-Based Services

BAFF is dedicated to providing need-based services to the Islamic financial services sectors through the expertise of well-experienced professionals. By tailoring services to the specific needs of the industry, BAFF aims to contribute significantly to the growth and efficiency of Islamic financial practices in Bangladesh by upholding Shari’ah. It may extend supportive role to national and international standard setting bodies.